Sunday, April 09, 2006

Requested a copy of the curriculum for Doctor of Management major in Development Management from CPU. Since my credentials are there, might as well continue rather than transfer my credentials in another school.

I'm still not sure though whether I'd specialize in Business Management or in Development Management.

Anyhow I still have until May to think it out.

Monday, April 03, 2006

I don't know where to start. But as the saying goes, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. I hope each word I type, each word that goes out of my head and appears on screen, are small steps towards freedom. Freedom from my self-imposed limitations. Freedom from fear. Freedom from insecurities.

I've got a new mantra: Get a Life. And I recite it everytime I find myself watching by the sidelines, acting as if I don't care, but fervently hoping somebody in the playing teams would call me and ask me to join them.

Get a life...
Get a life...
Get a life....